The Goals: Lose body fat and gain muscle. Follow a challenging yet realistic fitness and nutrition challenge that is scalable and...
The Goals: Lose body fat and gain muscle. Follow a challenging yet realistic fitness and nutrition challenge that is scalable and...
Disclaimer: This is NOT 75 Hard. To complete the 75 Hard program, one would need to complete it exactly as prescribed with no misses. ...
I find myself at a turning point in my life – physically. You see, I’m 53. I work on a computer all day. And by all accounts, I’m lazy....
The above video is one of the better how-to videos I've come across on the internet. Some basic techniques to help you teach your child...
Deciding to run is a big decision. An even bigger one is your first pair of running shoes. Finding shoes that fit and support your feet...
Outsiding® : Participating in an activity, such as exercising, relaxing, or eating outside. Outsiding: the Official Definition \ aůt – sdī...
Kids are perpetual motion machines. Why not harness some of that energy and help them enjoy and develop in a sport they can enjoy for a...
Kids naturally love to run, as well as skip, hop, dance and turn somersaults. Parents can turn their natural exuberance and need to move...
People start a running routine for a variety of reasons. You might be a bicyclist who wants to cross train or a skier who wants an...
There are over 50 million runners in the U.S. according to the Sports and Fitness Industry Association. It keeps growing in popularity...